Lennox Rodgers

Former Gang Member

Lennox Rodgers, is a former gang member of 2 gangs, one big organised crime gang in London where he was an armed robber, using guns and knives and committed 22 armed robberies and the other where he was an enforcer for a drug dealing gang and retrieved monies owed to the gang.

Lennox the early years, grew up in the 60’s and 70’s around gangs and suffered physical, sexual, (including rape) racial and emotional abuse as a child. Lennox had been to court 5 times by age 11yrs, raped at 13yrs and groomed to be a pimp in a gang at 14yrs.

Lennox spent many years in the care system and kicked out of many schools before failed attempts to join the army led to a life of crime and violence to survive.

As a result of his crime and violence, Lennox spent more than 2 decades going in and out of 16 different prisons and serving a total of 12-15 years behind bars.

Things finally came to an end when Lennox was homeless on the streets of London in 2003, a series of events led to a very strange experience that was the catalyst in Lennox turning his life around.

Lennox is co-founder and CEO of the charity Refocus Project, a crime prevention and early intervention service which has been running for 17yrs. Lennox is also author of the book “Breaking Better” and married to co-founder Bali Rodgers, who also runs a charity. They have a son and a daughter. Their son is serving 22yrs for murder and is nearly half-way through that sentence and their daughter is a legal secretary for a law firm in London. Lennox continues to use his lived experiences to help change young people and adults thinking so they change their behaviour and choices for the better. 

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